The "Mushroom Garden" series that sparked the popularity of Funghi
This character became popular from the smartphone app "Mushroom Garden". The "Mushroom Garden" series are free game apps downloaded over 41 million times and can be enjoyed regardless of age or gender.
Funghi's App
Mushroom Dig
Everyone's Mushroom Garden
Idle Mushroom Garden Deluxe
Mushroom Garden Prime
Funghi's Den
NEO Mushroom Garden
Mushroom Garden Deluxe
Mushroom Garden Seasons HD
Mushroom Garden HD

Actually Funghi was a character
from another game!
Why is Funghi a detective's assistant? Funghi is originally a character in the game "Touch Detective". He works as rookie detective Mackenzie's partner and assistant. "Mushroom Garden" is a spin-off app of "Touch Detective".
"Touch Detective"
Special Site

Funghi's lovable expressions
and unpredictable behavior
make him super popular!
Funghi ecology is really mysterious... There are a variety of personalities and features depending on the type, and the only facts we know are that they have a unique way of speaking and feel nice and cool to the touch. Try to discover their ecology in articles and social media. See All SNS

There are more than 700 kinds
of Funghi!
More than 700 kinds of Funghi appear in the "Mushroom Garden" series! There are also "Rare Funghi" being discovered even now. With all kinds of shapes and colors, try to find to your liking!